Fredrik Fahlén
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 24 January 2020 01:53 PM UTC
My company is using Bitbucket for source control. This worked fine with PowerBuilder 2017 R2. Commits, pushes and pulls were all OK.
In PB 2017 R3 and PB 2019 there are some problems when using Bitbucket (Git) as source control. When doing a Commit in PB I get prompted to preview changes and add a comment (as expected). After the commit everything looks ok in the status output window as follows:
---------- Source Control
Git commit
Git client is finding files. Please wait...
Git client has finished finding files. 1 file(s) found.
Git client is committing files. Please wait...
Git commit success.
Git commit completed.
---------- Done Source Control
The file(s) is not committed in PowerBuilder and in Sourcetree the file is not staged/committed, but for some reason my commit-comment is visible in Sourcetree.
When doing a Push from PowerBuilder I get the following in the status output window:
---------- Source Control
Git push
Starting to push workspace...
Git client is pushing workspace. Please wait...
Pushing current objects: 0, total objects: 2.
Pushing current objects: 2, total objects: 2.
Push workspace success.
Git push completed.
---------- Done Source Control
After this operation nothing is pushed and the file is still marked as changed in PowerBuilder. To be sure nothing was messed upp with my repository, i created a new repository and added my PB workspace from PowerBuilder using the menu "Add to Source Control...", which worked fine.
Doing Commit, Push and Pull from Sourcetree works fine as well.
All this worked fine without any problems in PowerBuilder 2017R2.
Anyone that can help us? It's really annoying not to be able to "check in" directly in PowerBuilder.
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