Stephen BIppen
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 20 November 2019 04:59 PM UTC
We have the following block of code, which has been working for many years but has recently stopped working.
// Instance declarations
n_rpt_callback inv_callback
n_rpt_shared inv_shared
// Start a separate thread
inv_callback = Create n_rpt_callback
inv_callback.iw_ReportWindow = this
// Create the shared object
ls_shareName = 'rpt_shared' + string(handle(this))
SharedObjectRegister('n_rpt_shared', ls_shareName)
// Success?
if SharedObjectGet(ls_shareName, inv_shared ) = Success! then
// Post the event, run the report
inv_shared.post of_RptRetrieveShared(<report data object here>,<database connection info here>,inv_callback)
It appears the posted function, of_RptRetreiveShare, no longer fires/executes. This started about a month ago.
Any ideas?
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