Hussain Albloshi
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 7 December 2021 02:52 PM UTC
Please help about Deconing arabic
//--------------QR Code ------------------------------------
int qr_opcl
date qr_s_date , qr_e_date
string g_ls_text,ls_text
IF dw_Print.rowcount() > 0 then
dec xvat,total
string TAG1,TAG2,TAG3,TAG4,TAG5 ,output,xchr
string TLV1,TLV2,TLV3,TLV4,TLV5
xvat =dw_Print.getitemdecimal(dw_Print.getrow(),'xx_tax')
total =dw_Print.getitemdecimal(dw_Print.getrow(),'xnet_tot')
SELECT brn_setup_info.bnm INTO :TAG1 FROM brn_setup_info WHERE brn_setup_info.bno = :bno ;
TAG3= string( today(),"yyyy-mm-dd" ) + string( today() ,'hh:mm' )+'Z'
TLV1= String(Char(1)) + String(Char(LEN(TAG1))) /// ARABIC This one its to display in Arabic after decoding
TLV2= String(Char(2)) + String(Char(LEN(TAG2)))
TLV3= String(Char(3)) + String(Char(LEN(TAG3)))
TLV4= String(Char(4)) + String(Char(LEN(TAG4)))
TLV5= String(Char(5)) + String(Char(LEN(TAG5)))
Blob lblb_data
String ls_Base64Str
CoderObject lnv_CoderObject
lnv_CoderObject = Create CoderObject
ls_text = output
lblb_data = Blob(ls_text, EncodingUTF8!)
ls_Base64Str = lnv_CoderObject.Base64Encode(lblb_data)
destroy lnv_CoderObject
ls_text = ls_Base64Str
nv_qrcode lnv_qrcode
Long ll_retval
string qr_text
dw_Print.object.p_qr.fileName = ''
ll_retval = lnv_qrcode.get_qr_code_bitmap('qrcode.bmp', ls_text,1 , 1, 10)
If ll_retval = 0 Then
dw_Print.object.p_qr.fileName ='qrcode.bmp'
end if
//--------------QR Code End -------------------------------
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