Brage Mogstad
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 28 January 2022 09:47 AM UTC
I'm in dire need of help.
A grid dwo has PFC sort service enabled.
As the user expands a grid column, the pfc_sort service triggers and changes sort statement to the column clicked.
The user is not happy.
I've tried to catch the pointer (Cross!) in pbm_dwnmosemove and disable the sortservice while pointer is Cross!
But describe does not report the pointer.
setting = dw1.Describe("employee_no_t.Pointer")
It reports '!' every time, even though its a known pointer type (Cross!). Is this a PB bug?
Anyone got ideas on how to disable sort service when u resize a grid column?
integer li_tab
string ls_objectatpointer, ls_objname, ls_pointer, ls_modify
ls_objectatpointer = GetObjectAtPointer()
li_tab = Pos(ls_objectatpointer, "~t", 1)
ls_objname = Left(ls_objectatpointer, li_tab - 1)
if len(trim(ls_objectatpointer)) > 0 then
ls_modify = ls_objectatpointer+".Pointer"
ls_pointer = this.Describe(ls_modify)
end if
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