Eric Verhorstert
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 13 May 2024 12:48 PM UTC
Powerbuilder cloudpro edition Version 2022 R3 build 3289
Attached is part of a print screen. If we export the data window to PDF, the text 1083AKMR disappears. Other than this the export is correct.
If we do not rotate the computed field the export is corrrect.
Code for exporting the datawindow is:
adw_1.modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UsePrintSpec = Yes")
adw_1.modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF!")
adw_1.saveAs(as_longfilename, PDF!, true)
Code for rotating the computed fields is:
idw_data.modify("compute_headerleft.font.escapement=1800 compute_headerleft.alignment= '0'") // 105
idw_data.modify("compute_headerright.font.escapement=-1800 compute_headerright.alignment='1'") // 1083AKMR
In pb.ini:
pbescapementmode=1 //Don't know if this is still necessary.
Anyone have an idea how to fix this?
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