Brian Naille
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 17 July 2024 09:01 PM UTC
In digging through my code we have a function that is identified as:
FUNCTION int OCIChangePassword(ref string ls_connString, ref string ls_user, ref string ls_old, ref string ls_new, ref string ls_errString, Uint li_outputsize ) &
LIBRARY "PBOra.dll" ALIAS FOR "_ChangeExpiredPassword@24;Ansi"
As we've migrated to PB2019 R3 (and Oracle 19c Client), I'm seeing that it is no longer working as expected - or at all. I am assuming that the PB Oracle DLL is doing some sort of pass through call to invoke the Oracle OCIPasswordChange function?
We are using this for cases where the password is already expired so the database connection is immediately lost. I guess it's supposed to allow us to change the password without an active connection (I think we're talking ORA-28001).
Here's my question - where can I find documentation on this DLL function? Thinking it's possible that it's deprecated and if so I'm looking for alternatives. Any help would be appreciated.
Brian Naille
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