Aleš Vojáček
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 5 October 2021 02:49 PM UTC
Hi all,
I'm using orca script + pbc210 to compile our application.
Both files are attached (orca script and powershell script which is executed by TeamCity)
When I'm building application with PB or using scripts there is icon in exe file.
When I'm using PBAutoBuild210 the resulting exe has no icon.
Icon file is in root dir of project (there is pbt, pbr, pbl, pbw also).
Icon filename (without directory) is set by app painter and the filename is stored in sra file in variable :
string appicon = "KZ.ico"
I thing that the problem is merging changes from git (ws_objects/* files) because all pbls are restored from exported files.
In orca script there is 3pass refresh and in PBAutoBuild it seems that there is only FullBuild.
I tried everything what I thought could help.
Thank you Ales
build.orca + build.ps1 = files which are used to build on TC server and everything is ok.
buid_future.ps1 + konzultace.json = files used to build using PBAutoBuild210 and there is no icon in exe
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