Maurice Losier
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 3 March 2022 05:05 PM UTC
Hi all,
I'm developing on a old application that has migrated over the years and is now at RunTime
we develop with IDE PB2019R3.
I have moved to plan with PB2021 with setting for Runtime set to the same as above,
If I do a full build of the workspace in PB2021 it breaks the application, embedded SQL get corrupted somehow,
based on the SQL object error message if seems to be trying to execute the SQL but says is ran into incorrect syntax?
bellow is extract from logs
22/03/03 10:05:12.96 CRITICAL Database Error: pv_s_msg='Execute of ICESLogin in f_Login of un_scty', nErrorID=0, cProcName='ICES Application', iError=102, sMessage='Incorrect syntax near 'sqlHandle_08_B3F9965A'.'
seems to replace the actual sql syntax with "SQLHandleXXXXX....."
once workspace is corrupted this way, I can return the PB2019, open workspace and the error persists, but if i perform a full build on PB2019 fixes the problem. At that point I can actually continue to develop in PB2021 as long as I don't have to do a full build
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