Kelly Amott
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 5 February 2020 10:07 PM UTC
This is almost a verbatim repeat of a question asked a year ago for which I didn't see a conclusive answer.
I finished testing two migrations with Oracle 9 and am now ready to test the applications with Oracle 18c. My understanding is that PB19 supports connections to 18c using the ORA DB profile. I have set up connections to both my databases and in both instances I get the ORA-12541: TNS:no listener error.
I have installed the Oracle 12 32-bit client.
I have verified I can connect to both using SQL Developer.
I have the tnsnames.ora path in my system variables.
My assumption is that Powerbuilder has the appropriate DLL in it's folder and that at the time the application is deployed it would add the DLL to the project folder. Is that correct?
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