Suresh Thoduvail
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 17 April 2024 05:28 PM UTC
Issue: After PFC sorting on clicking the header of the results set (datawindow) the suppress repeating values does not work and displays the suppressed values again giving an appearance of duplicate values.
PowerBuilder Version 2022 R3 → Build 3289
Hi Experts,
I have a Grid data window presentation of accused information for our application that uses PowerBuilder Foundation Class "Inv_Sort" [i have verified that all the headers on the datawindow has an "_t" associated with the respective column headers].
Sort Columns:
The results are displayed and sorted by File Number, Incident Number, Police Agency, Incident From Date, Incident To Date and Charge Description.
The results also have suppressed repeating values, so that the File Number and other duplicated columns do not show again (Picture 1) .
When the user clicks on the File Status (to sort on either Active or Disposed Files to show at the top) on the results, the display gets jumbled up and the suppressed values seems to be repeated again (picture 2). The data keeps roaming in the grid display as soon as the user clicks on the header there by eliminating the suppression of the repeating values and appearing that the files are duplicated.
I understand that the PFC sort does only sort by the column header that was clicked and the rest of the sort that was already there is discarded.
PB DW Design Mode Tests:
On the datawindow it self (design mode), if i keep all the the previous sort columns intact and add "File Status" in addition to the existing soft columns, the data stays intact, but if i just used the "File Status" the rows keep roaming.
User sort functionality of each of the header columns are a mandatory requirement, but the Files and their associated data should stay intact and not keep roaming when the user clicks on the header of any of the columns. I did not group the data as it is just a display only window and not a reporting window.
Experts, any suggestion/advise is greatly appreciated. Would i have to code my custom sort and discard the PFC sort functionality.
Thanks in Advance
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