Dipankar RSG
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 18 May 2023 09:35 AM UTC
We’re using Desta’s PB2XLS Utility with Powerbuilder 2021 for Excel Save of Reports. We came across an issue where we are finding when a DW is having a Computed Expression with RichText Method, it is not getting evaluated and PB is just crashing. Could you please help resoling this issue?
Through debugging, I could find that the PB Crash is happening at highlighted line below:
I had tried to use TRY CATCH block to capture the exception, but it doesn’t help; PB just crashes after the highlighted statement is executed.
Below expression has been used on computed expression on the DW:
richtext("{\rtf1\ansi\deff0 {\fonttbl {\f0 Arial;}}\fs20
\pard\fi-200\li200\sb90\bullet\tab Provide all necessary personnel, equipment, and materials. \par
\pard\fi-200\li200\sb90\bullet\tab Properly segregate, package and label all designated waste materials in accordance with all applicable regulations. \par
\pard\fi-200\li200\sb90\bullet\tab Provide all necessary transportation documents. \par
\pard\fi-200\li200\sb90\bullet\tab Transport the material on licensed waste hauling vehicles. \par
\pard\fi-200\li200\sb90\bullet\tab Obtain all necessary approvals, waste disposal scheduling and proper disposition of all waste streams per Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT). \par
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