Pete Yankovich
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 30 October 2018 03:58 PM UTC
I'm having a problem in PB 2017 R2. I created two tables in SQL Server 2008 R2. First is parent with identity column, the child table has foreign key to parent identity column.
In PB parent datawindow, I select the identity column in Update Properties. In child datawindow, no identity column is selected. For an add, the parent is inserted first, then the identity column value is used to populate the child datawindow id column in PB script.
If I run this from my Windows 7 machine, the parent and child inserts execute correctly. But, when I do a build and deploy to our Windows 2008 Citrix server, the parent is inserted, but the child insert fails. The SQL Server error message says a value for the id column was not provided for the child insert. The message displays the SQL insert statement coming from PB. The statement does not include the identity column, nor it's value. It's as if PB thinks the child datawindow has an identity column also. I'm attaching the message from SQL Server.
Could this be a Citrix issue? When I run the app across the network (as opposed to running from Citrix Receiver), the inserts execute ok.
Also, attaching the Save script from the PB window.
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