Dawn Browneyes
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 12 August 2022 11:26 PM UTC
I am looking for the pbtrace log location.
I turn pbtrace ON and a dialog box title: Database Trace
Output will be written to: c:\dawn logs\mytrace.log
Configuration Options
Log File Name: c:\dawn logs\mytrace.log
I change name to: c:\dawn logs\mytraceAug2022.log
I can't find where that name (c:\dawn logs\mytraceAug2022.log ) is stored.
I looked in the PB12.5 documentation and it states it is in the registry.
But that new name is not there anywhere. It is not in the pb.ini file either.
I used to find it in the registry with other versions.
I manually looked in the registry and check with code:
string ls
RegistryGet("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sybase\PowerBuilder\12.5\DBTrace", "LogFileName", RegSTring!, ls)
Nada. Where is that file name stored now?
PB 12.5 help (it isn't in Infomaker or PowerBuilder):
The selections made in the Database Trace dialog box are saved to the registry of the machine from which the database connections are made. Windows registry settings for the database trace utility configuration are stored under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\InfoMaker\12.5\
DBTrace key. Registry strings under this key are: ShowBindings, FetchBuffers, ShowDBINames, Timing, SumTiming, LogFileName, and ShowDialog. Except for the LogFileName string to which you can assign a full file name for the trace output file, all strings can be set to either 0 or 1.
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