Suresh Thoduvail
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 16 November 2022 09:33 PM UTC
Hi All,
PB Version: PowerBuilder 2021 (Build 1509)/ MS SQL Server 2019.
Outlook version: Outlook 2016
BillingInformation [MailItem.BillingInformation property (Outlook)]: a place holder to store all the File ID's that i want to send one email to.
Issue: Populating all the file id's into outlook "billinginformation" task item.
I have a PowerBuilder application that has search by a court date and displays all the files that are appearing in a court on a specific date (displays file number, accused name, charges etc with approximately 1 to 1500 rows).
When the user selects all the records from the search (grid data) window, they are given menu item to send email to all the files highlighted in the search window.
Behind the scene i populate all the File Id's (numeric field) into an array and pass it to the BillingInformation (outlook task item). Another dot net application reads the email sent to the server and finds all the file id's that the email has to be recorded/inserted into the database based on all the files that are associated with the BillingInformation outlook task item.
The issue i am encountering is that, i am not able to populate more than 32 file id's into this BillingInformation column. Once i hit certain number file id's, the rest of the information is not populated to the BillingInformation outlook task item, which in turn does not insert the emails to the files that were not passed on the BillingInformation column in outlook.
2705494,2770070,2814181,2706405,2723845,2756870,2759432,2770912,2791322,2789763,2792099,2812527,2814280,2750229,2456876,2508184...n (n number based on how many files are selected).
Please advise if there is a workaround for this or is there any other outlook item properties that can hold larger values of passed on File ID's.
I have mostly used all the outlook item properties for other purposes, hence the options available for me are limited.
Thanks for any help in advance
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