John Strano
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 25 March 2022 04:16 PM UTC
Using Git hosted by DevOps.
PowerBuilder 2021
There are no *.PBG files present, of course.
From the command line...
orcascr210.exe XxXxxx21_Build_Script_PRODUCTION_v04.orca
...there are no explicit errors displayed in the console.
However, the output log indicates that both the Incremental Rebuild and the 3Pass Rebuild have failed to refresh the PBLs.
Why is orcascr210.exe expecting there to be *.PBG files to process?
localprojpath is set to the parent folder of ws_objects.
Output log excerpt...
PBORCA_SccRefreshTarget. Incremental Rebuild
Unable to process map file: l:\pb21_apps\oncoll21_cicd\oncoll21_cicd_production\_coll_app.pbg
l:\pb21_apps\oncoll21_cicd\oncoll21_cicd_production\_coll_app.pbl cannot be refreshed.
Unable to process map file: l:\pb21_apps\oncoll21_cicd\oncoll21_cicd_production\coll_main.pbg
l:\pb21_apps\oncoll21_cicd\oncoll21_cicd_production\coll_main.pbl cannot be refreshed.
Unable to process map file: l:\pb21_apps\oncoll21_cicd\oncoll21_cicd_production\coll_common.pbg
l:\pb21_apps\oncoll21_cicd\oncoll21_cicd_production\coll_common.pbl cannot be refreshed.
Other threads here on Q&A on "Unable to process map file" seem relegated to PowerBuilder 2019 R2 and earlier.
Please advise. Thank you.
Here is the scope of the *.ORCA file...
;//////////// * XxXxxx21_Build_Script_PRODUCTION_vXX.orca *////////////
start session
scc set connect property localprojpath "'L:\PB21_Apps\XxXxxx21_CICD\XxXxxx21_CICD_Production'"
scc set connect property logfile "L:\PB21_Apps\XxXxx21_CICD\XxXxxx21_Batch_Scripts\XxXxxx21_CICD_Production_scc.log"
scc set connect property logappend false
scc set connect property deletetempfiles "true"
scc connect offline
;scc set target "L:\PB21_Apps\XxXxxx21_CICD\XxXxxx21_CICD_Production\XxXxxx_prod.pbt" "refresh_all importonly"
scc set target "L:\PB21_Apps\XxXxxx21_CICD\XxXxxx21_CICD_Production\XxXxxx_prod.pbt" "outofdate importonly"
scc refresh target "incremental"
scc refresh target "3pass"
;scc refresh target "full"
scc close
end session
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