Aleš Vojáček
- PowerBuilder
- Saturday, 28 August 2021 07:01 PM UTC
Hi all,
I'm using orca script as part of automated build (PB2019R3) as SC i'm using Github so I have ws_objects directory which contains subdir for each pbl and inside that subdir there are files for each object in pbl.
orca script :
start session
set debug true
scc set connect property localprojpath ".\"
scc set connect property logfile "createpbls.log"
scc set connect property deletetempfiles "true"
scc connect offline
scc set target "genetika.pbt" "refresh_all importonly"
scc refresh target incremental
scc refresh target "3pass"
scc refresh target full
scc close
end session
It seemed that all works perfect, but if I have same object name in different pbls then it ends with errors.
After while I realize that orca will generate pbr files in root directory and then files for all objects in pbl into root dir of project. So then I realize, that if i have object with same name in different pbl it gets overwritten and then it ends with errors.
I hoped that oraca with ws_objects dir does not generate pbr files and uses files from ws_object to regenerate pbls.
part of log of orca script running:
Using ANSI source file build.orca.
Start Session
set debug "true"
scc set connect property localprojpath ".\"
scc set connect property logfile "createpbls.log"
scc set connect property deletetempfiles "true"
scc connect offline
Mapped the source files in ws_objects to the workspace path successfully.
scc set target "genetika.pbt" "REFRESH_ALL | IMPORTONLY"
It seems, that mapping to ws_objects dirs is ok, so why orca generates pbrs and all object files in root dir of projects? It get deleted after script ends ?
Thank you
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