Orca script to refresh .pbls
- Advice
Carla Moretta
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 8 June 2020 02:55 PM UTC
Created a orca script to refresh my .pbl from the updated objects in ws_objects. My target has 23 .pbls. It gives me an error "Unable to process map file: c:\development2\git\powerbuilder\cs_land.pbg" My libraries are shared with two other targets. If I try to exclude I get an error " Orca error in 'scc exclude liblist '. Result Code -6.
Library '' is not in library list The library is not in the current Orca session library list.
start session
set debug true
scc set connect property localprojpath "C:\Development2\Git\Powerbuilder"
;localprojpath must point to the parent directory of ws_objects folder
scc set connect property logfile "C:\Development2\Git\Powerbuilder\svnorca.log"
scc set connect property logappend false
scc set connect property deletetempfiles "true"
scc connect offline
scc set target "C:\Development2\Git\Powerbuilder\cs_land.pbt" refresh_all importonly
scc refresh target 3pass
scc close
end session
Looking for some help?
Carla M.
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