Madhu Krushnamraju
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 29 June 2018 11:11 PM UTC
I merged wrong code into one of the PBL and followed below script to prepare build and executables. It went through without throwing any error. Would you please advice how to get an error while preparing build and write into a log file?
start session set appendlib ".\qadbtest\qadbtest.pbl" "n" set appendlib ".\shared_obj\shared_obj.pbl" "y" set appendlib ".\datatypes\datatype.pbl" "y" set appendlib ".\chgreqs\chgreqs.pbl" "y" set application ".\qadbtest\qadbtest.pbl" "qadbtest" build library ".\shared_obj\shared_obj.pbl" "" pbd build library ".\datatypes\datatype.pbl" "" pbd build library ".\chgreqs\chgreqs.pbl" "" pbd build executable ".\qadbtest\qadbtest.exe" ".\emp.ico" ".\qadbtest.pbr" "" file copy ".\qadbtest\qadbtest.exe" ".\bin\qadbtest.exe" file copy ".\chgreqs\chgreqs.pbd" ".\bin\chgreqs.pbd" file copy ".\datatypes\datatype.pbd" ".\bin\datatype.pbd" file copy ".\shared_obj\shared_obj.pbd" ".\bin\shared_obj.pbd" end session
Earlier, I used PVCS as Source Control. When ever I run the ORCA scripts for PVCS,
a. Get PBG from Project Workspace (File Server) into Local Folder.
b. execute following command "import pbg2pbl"
c. It brings up PowerBuilder IDE to regenerate, building and writing all objects.
Shall I do the same way here? If yes, How would I open PB IDE using "ORCASCR170.exe".... Any thoughts?
If you provide any sample scripts are much appriciated.
Thanks in advance.
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