Madhu Krushnamraju
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 29 June 2018 08:55 PM UTC
I'm trying to prepare build using ORCA Script and received following error message. Would you please assist on the same.
a. Calling build_project_orca.orc from Batch Command.
orcascr170.exe build_project_orca.orc
b. build_project_orca.orc script as follows.
start session
echo Appending Libraries
set appendlib "C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\app\demo_app.pbl" "n"
set appendlib "C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\report\report.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\util\util.pbl" "y"
set application "C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\app\demo_app.pbl" "demo3"
echo setting connection properties
scc get connect properties "C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\demo.pbw"
scc set connect property provider "SubVersion" //shall I use PB Native or SubVersion(SVN)?
scc set connect property userid "admin"
scc set connect property password "XXXXX"
scc set connect property logfile "C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\build_application_name.log"
scc set connect property logappend "TRUE"
Scc set connect property deletetempfiles "FALSE"
scc connect
scc set target "C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\app\demo3.pbt" ImportOnly refresh_all
scc refresh target "full"
build project "C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\app\demo_app.pbl" "p_demo3_exe"
echo building libraries
build library "C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\report\report.pbl" "" pbd
build library "C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\util\util.pbl" "" pbd
build executable "C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\app\p_demo3_exe.exe" "" ""
scc close
end session
Error Message:-
scc get connect properties "C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\sims.pbw"
Orca error in 'scc get connect properties'. Result Code -23.
Unable to read SCC connect properties for C:\PB17_TEST_SVN\SVN\sims.pbw
An error occurred reading the Windows registry entry.
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