Olan Knight
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 6 August 2019 10:16 PM UTC
PowerBuilder v12.1, b7055
Windows 7, 64 bit platform
I have a tabpage from which I open the response window lw_cascade".
The response window is a PowerBuilder window of type "response", not a framework or PFC object - straight PB.
The Center option is checked on the response window.
This is the call to open the response window:
// Get the cascade options to use
ll_rc = OPENWITHPARM (lw_cascade, lstr_options)
The response window is flickering when it opens because it FIRST opens in the upper left corner of the monitor, THEN the response window is centered.
I've tried adding "this.Visible = FALSE" in the following events, all to no avail: activate, open, show.
I've tried un-checking the VISIBLE attribute of the window and manually specifying this.Visible = TRUE at the bottom of the OPEN event - which also fails.
Un-checking the CENTER attribute removes the flicker, but the window opens in the upper left corner of the monitor.
Is there any way to open the window centered WITHOUT the fllicker?
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