Miller Rhodes
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 22 September 2023 10:24 PM UTC
Currently we use an OLE object to send mail and it works fine. We have a 32 bit build of our application and a 32 bit version of Outlook.
Most of our organization uses 64 bit Outlook so those people cannot use the email function. In an attempt to remedy this, I upgraded my
Outlook to 64 bit and created a 64 bit build of our application. I am currently using Powerbuilder 2022 R1. When I tried the function ,
I received this error :
I went and executed the code from the IDE in 64 bit mode and discovered that this code ran fine :
li_ret_ole = iole_outlook.ConnectToNewObject("Outlook.Application")
if li_ret_ole <> 0 THEN
MessageBox("Contact Programmer", "OLE ConnectToNewObject Error - Returns: " + string(li_ret_ole), StopSign!)
DESTROY iole_outlook
return -1
Everything seemed to be going fine until I hit the code in BOLD below:
OLEObject lole_mailitem, lole_attachment, lole_recipients
string ls_rtn_message
lole_mailitem = CREATE OLEObject
lole_attachment = CREATE OLEObject
lole_recipients = CREATE OLEObject
//Variables for CP_REPORT_DISTRIBUTION update
long ll_cp_report_distribution_email_no, ll_email_status_no
string ls_email_address, ls_FileName, ls_pathname
long i
integer li_attachment_count
string ls_subject, ls_message, ls_date
string ls_owner
ls_date = string(date(idt_current_414_generation), 'mmmm yyyy')
ls_subject = ' Appendices for ' + ls_date
ls_message = 'Attached are the Appendix Report(s) for ' + ls_date
//dsh 03/31/2011 - Multiple emails to recipients
if al_total_parts > 1 then
ls_subject = ls_subject + ': ' + 'Part ' + string(al_part_x_of) + ' of ' + string(al_total_parts)
ls_message = ls_message + ': ' + 'Part ' + string(al_part_x_of) + ' of ' + string(al_total_parts)
end if
lole_mailitem = iole_outlook.CreateItem(0)
lole_attachment = lole_mailitem.Attachments
for i=al_start_row to al_end_row
ls_FileName = ads_unsent.getitemstring(i, 'file_name')
ls_pathname = ads_unsent.getitemstring(i, 'path_name')
ls_email_address = ads_unsent.getitemstring(i, 'email_address')
ls_owner = ads_unsent.getitemstring(i, 'owner')
lole_attachment.Add(ls_pathname, 1, 1, "")
Is there a pivot we need to make in order to get this to work ?
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