William Beale
- PowerBuilder
- Sunday, 16 July 2023 03:59 AM UTC
I have OLE code to connect to MS Outlook but since upgrading Outlook to the current version ( 1.2023.630.100) the code no longer works. This is the code that worked before the upgrade:
oleApplication = CREATE n_OLEObject
// Connect to Outlook.
li_rc = oleApplication.ConnectToNewObject("Outlook.Application")
IF li_rc <> 0 THEN
MessageBox("Error connecting to Outlook", &
+ "Check if Outlook is Running - ~r" + oleApplication.of_ConnectError(li_rc), StopSign!)
I suspect "Outlook.Application" may no longer be relevant but can't find anything on the web.
I'm using PB 2019 R3.
Advice would be appreciated.
Bill Beale
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