Sylvain .
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 21 May 2020 04:25 PM UTC
I'm pretty sure this answer of my question will be NO, but I have to ask just in case.
In our application user can upload PDF file (Ex.: Image of an invoice from supplier) to our server and later when needed ask our app to show those PDF file for what ever reason.
We will use the New Web Browser control in 2019R2 to show any PDF file directly within our application, if one of those PDF file have a virus of some kind will that new control be immune to those.
Like I said, I have to ask just in case by some 'miracle' the answer is YES...
To make my question more precise, does the new Web Browser control have by default the ability to NOT run any JavaScript, Macro or 'Active content' within the PDF (disabled by default). If not is there a way to turn OFF macro, JavaScript or 'Active content'. So this way to minimize any virus from PDF file. Like some PDF reader have.
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