Richard Lynskey
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 23 September 2020 10:19 PM UTC
We're trying to migrate an application forward to PowerBuilder 2019R2 that uses the .Net WSDL engine. It deploys, everything seems to work perfectly on workstations with PowerBuilder 12.6 installed. When using Procmon and watching the application run, it is using ExPat126.dll, EasySoap126.dll, and pbwsclient126.pbx in this 2019 build instead of the expected ExPat190.dll, EasySoap190.dll, and pbwsclient190.pbx. On a clean workstation, if we don't bundle those three files in, the web service throws a runtime error.
Has anyone else experienced this and have any solutions aside from continuing to bundle the 126 files? Is there any harm in doing that?
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