Olan Knight
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 7 October 2020 03:38 PM UTC
Windows 10, 64 bit platform
Can someone recommend an open source or low cost database that has high volume transaction capability and reasonable security options AND is case-insensitive?
We are currently using Oracle as our database, but management has decided that the fees for Oracle are simply too high. Thus we are seeking an alternative database - cost and capability being coequal requirements.
Management has also, in its infinite wisdom, decided to use a database from a company called Enterprise DB that is a PostgreSQL database wrapped to look somewhat like an Oracle database to the developers.
The problem is that the PG database is case sensitive.
Like most of us, I have thousands of objects: dws, embedded sql in script, templates, database scripts, and utilities where case was never an issue, so items are cased for readability. Example:
SELECT fccid
FROM bill_master
WHERE ban = :ls_ban;
select fccid
where ban = :ls_ban;
EDB has so far refused to even consider the option of adding a simple change at the input/port to UPPER or LOWER all string input data. Doing so would, of course, make the database effectively case insensitive with zero impact to the rest of the database internals.
Thank You!
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