John Fauss
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 14 March 2018 08:28 PM UTC
From a discussion thread dated approx. 8 months ago, I see where Native PDF generation can be utilized at execution time by adding NativePDF_Valid=1 (zero is the default) to the [Data Window] section of the pb.ini file. There is also a way to include custom fonts in the PDF by specifying NativePDF_IncludeCustomFont=1 (zero is the default). Can the "Include Custom Font" setting be specified in the DataWindow Painter?
Can the other settings related to Native PDF support and supported via the DataWindow Painter also be specified in the pb.ini file? Specifically, PDFStandard, UsePrintSpec, ImageFormat, CustomOrientation & CustomPaperSize?
Is there a comprehensive list of pb.ini settings and sections including what each setting controls documented anywhere?
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