GH kumar
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 8 October 2018 04:49 AM UTC
hai experts,
i have a product table which contains a column barcode_id and want to print it using label datawindow type presentation , I created a window which has one datawindow control (dw_1) wich have a dataobject d_barcodelabel and have a retrieval argument of barcodeid, a Retrieve button and two single line edit controls(sle_barcode) , one for barcode_id and the other single line edit for number of copies(sle_copy) .when you type sle_barcode with
for eg: UT100000 and (sle_copy) is 50 and click on retrieve button. i want to display 50 times UT100000 in label datawindow control. How to achieve this ?
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