Andreas Mykonios
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 15 December 2021 02:47 PM UTC
We have an old project which was running until 2017. This project has a windows application developed in Powerbuilder (12.5 at the time, but we plan to migrate it to Powerbuilder 2019 R3). Also for this project we had a Appeon Server 2015 (build 0328.00 x64). A mobile application was running on ios & android devices (tablets). Data were saved to Ultraligh DB (v.
We also used Mobilink (v. to synchronize data to a consolidated database. For consolidated database we used ASE 16.
ASE & Mobilink are installed on Windows 2012 R2.
Now we have a request to put this project alive. My question regards the upgrade procedure of PB project to 2019 R3. Follows a list of things were we would like to have some feedback about potential issues.
- From Release Bulletin I see that Mobilink is supported from 9.0.2 up to 17. We plan to upgrade to latest release (17.0.x). I guess this would be ok?
- We plan to upgrade from Appeon Server 2015 to PowerServer (I guess it should be 2020). Will this be an easy task? Are there any points we should take in mind? Ex. I know that for iOS we have to do more extra steps than for android. It would be useful to have a list with those steps. The application will be used by staff of the client for which we originally created the projet.
- Is there any issue with andoid and iOS being x32 or x64? Is any limit concerning version of android or iOS that should be installed in the devices?
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