Jit Sing Chan
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 9 December 2021 10:23 AM UTC
Hi All,
I would like to get advise on below coding which done previous developer, what does the message.returnValue = 1 actually do here ? Does it have anything to do with system event ?
FYI the coding reside inside the window object custom event, and it trigger by parentwindow.triggerevent("ue_execute") from menu object.
event_id: pbm_customs57
If Not wf_reset_sales_modified() Then
MessageBox('Error', 'Can not modify a sales flag from system setup.')
message.returnvalue = 1
ls_dummy_run_status = ls_dummy_run_status + ' - ' + string(now()) + ' Error'
ll_current_row = wf_dummy_process_status(ls_dummy_run_status, ll_current_row, False)
End If
Thanks in advance!
jit sing
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