David Peace (Powersoft)
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 10 November 2023 02:33 PM UTC
Hi Guys
W have a client that has made a major upgrade to the UI including adding Themes. They deploy their application in a terminal services environment. Apparently the application is using twice the amount of ram per user than it did before and unformuately brought down their production servers when it went live. They have added extra ram to the servers but obviously they want to be sure that there is not an underlying problem.
We are going to carry out some tests in our office to analyse the memory usage of the two versions of the software but in the meantime I thought I would ask on here for everyones thoughts.
When we have used PB in terminal servics before it has behaved very well on memory usage. The shared memory between each user has been quite significant and the footprint of unshared memory per users has been quite small. I expect that Themes are going to add an overhead to the unshared memory for each user which is probably why they saw such a spike in production. But it would be good to have everyones perspective on this.
Many thanks in advance
Our analysis shows that the Themed version is using 10% more memory that the non themed version. My guess is that the extra themed memory is non shared memeory so adds to each instance of the application. If say at least 60% of the memory is shared then in reality th eincrease will be nearer 25% per instance of the appication. The client is quite upset by this & the performance issues that they are experincing since adding themes.
Any thoughts or contributions to either of my Theme related queries woudl be greately recieved. Thisis the first phas eof a large PowerServer project and these issues are stoping the project moving forward. Although the client does understand that memory usage and performance isses will be less material when the PowerServer App is deployed to the client's own PC rather than running on thei servers.
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