Jan Hrbacek
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 15 July 2021 12:17 PM UTC
We are using mailSession object to send emails from application created in the PowerBuilder 2017 R2. While mail functionality seems to work fine with classic Outlook it doesn't work with Outlook 365 when mailbox is moved to cloud.
Does the mailSession object support cloud Outlook 365? Could you please advice me how can I make the mailing functionality work with Outlook 365?
mSes = create mailSession
mRet = mSes.mailLogon ( "Outlook","",mailNewSession! )
If mRet <> mailReturnSuccess! Then
MessageBox("Mail logon : Logon to the mail failed" , StopSign!, ok!,1)
mRet = mSes.mailLogoff ()
End If
mAttach.FileType = mailAttach!
mAttach.PathName = ls_attach_name
mAttach.FileName = ls_attach_name
mMsg.AttachmentFile[1] = mAttach
mRet = mSes.mailsend ( mMsg )
If mRet <> mailReturnSuccess! Then
MessageBox("Mail send : Send through the mail failed" , StopSign!, ok!,1)
End If
mRet = mSes.mailLogoff ()
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