Fabienne Peraldi
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 27 November 2023 04:37 PM UTC
I just migrated my project on Oracle 19C and I have an issue with table of strings.
When PB call my stocked procedure with an array in entry that doesn't work, there is a problem.
Please can you give idea to solve this problem.
Thank you very much
More information :
Code source PB : => this call doesn't work whereas on Oracle this call works, the program doesn't enter in my stored procedure
If Left(es_param[10],5) = 'ERROR' Or Len(Trim(es_param[10])) = 0 Then
gnv_factu.Of_MessageBox ("Erreur bloquante", s_Name, s_Event, &
"Problème de récupération de la date de clôture de la prestation de nivellement" +&
"~r~n~r~nCause : " + Right(es_param[10],Len(es_param[10])-8) +&
"~r~nContacter la ME...")
Code source Oracle :
create or replace PROCEDURE "PSS_FACT_ALL"
es_param IN OUT intra.p_tab_v2)
where p_tab_v2 is
type p_tab_v2 is table of varchar2(100) index by binary_integer;
We have this error :
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