damian jimenez
- PowerServer
- Friday, 11 August 2023 01:35 PM UTC
We have one dinamic Datawindow who works Ok with/without datetime fields in Client/server mode
in Powerserver works ok, only if doesn't have datetime field.
when y click in "Guardar" it execute Update method from datawindow and i get this error
i attach image and datawindows with and without datetime field and datawindow syntax
Question 1: How could this solve?
I have a slight suspicion that the field format date we gave it before with DBPARMS parameters in INI file, but now all those parameters are ignored in Powerserver
Provider = 'msoledbsql19',
Identity = 'scope_identity ()',
Dateformat = 'dd/mm/yyyy'
Question 2: Could I configure the database from PowerBuilder for Powerserver without configuring the API in Snapdevelop?
thanks so much
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