Jon Stoller
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 29 April 2019 08:36 PM UTC
Starting this morning PowerBuilder is not starting up on my PC. It is asking me to activate an offline license. This is the first time this ever happened. I do not know anything about it. I try to activate but it does not work. I currently am on PB 2017. It was running fine at 1 A.M. this morning. At 10 A.M. it did not run.
When I try to run PB now I get a popup message asking me to activate an offline license.
I follow the steps to activate, I go to the URL, I click on Submit and nothing comes back - either that or I am not looking in the right place. I leave the Activatye wl
I have been using PB for years and this never happened before. My business is dead without it.
Developing and supporting PowerBuilder applications is my complete business. I work in PB for 10-16 hours a day 7 days a week. Without it the business stops.
I need help. Why is it happening? My subscription is good through at least June 20. What do I need to do?
Jon Stoller
AKA Software Services.
Office#: 973-720-821
Cell Ph: 201-978-5340
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