Daniel Mullings
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 6 February 2024 06:46 PM UTC
Odd issue that's been plaguing me for awhile now.
I'm trying to authenticate against ping access (grab a token) so that I can call a rest api with that token.
Here's the powerbuilder code:
Constant Integer SECURE_PROTOCOL_TLS = 5 //Set TLS to 1.2 (5)
//Start the ping access token retrieval
ls_auth_body = '{"userId":"' + as_username + '", "password": "'+ as_password + '"}'
lnv_HttpClient = Create HttpClient
lnv_HttpClient.Clearrequestheaders( )
lnv_HttpClient.SetRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
lnv_HttpClient.SecureProtocol = SECURE_PROTOCOL_TLS
lnv_HttpClient.SetRequestHeader('Proxy', 'http://myproxy.com:myport')
lnv_HttpClient.Timeout = Long(gnv_app.is_webpingtimeout) // tried 5 - 30 seconds
ls_all_req_headers = lnv_HttpClient.GetRequestheaders()
li_rc = lnv_HttpClient.SendRequest("POST", as_pingurl, ls_auth_body)
li_rc returns a -4 on our VM, but using a powershell script to access the same as_pingurl works flawlessly.
Here's the powershell code:
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$ContentType = "application/json" # Add the content type
$Method = 'POST'
$LoginUrl = "as_pingurl"
#### Ping Access #######
$body = @{
password = "password"
} | ConvertTo-Json
$pingProps = @{
Uri = $LoginUrl
Method = $Method
ContentType = $ContentType
Body = $body
$pingResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @pingProps
Write-Host $pingResponse
$err =$_.Exception
Write-Host $err.Response
$pingResponse = ""
The powershell code works fine and doesn't designate a proxy.
Am I missing something in the header that needs to be added to the powerbuilder code?
This code works fine from my desktop, but it seems the VM needs something else to make it work.
I think the powershell code is using the default proxy set via (netsh winhttp set proxy) but powerbuilder doesn't seem to be using that and it seems to be ignoring the proxy value set in the request header.
Our network guys are saying the requests are being blocked, but not sure why since everything that's needed is open.
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