Vipin Dwivedi
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 31 May 2018 05:54 PM UTC
Hello PB Experts,
We have moved from PB12.5 to PB2017 R2. Let me explain you about how we were using PB12.5 for our project. We were using PuskOK to manage the Source Control with PB application where PB used to interact with SVN using PushOK Source Control. This was working flawless where our application code was interacting with SVN without any issue.
We used to build the EXE/PBD on daily basis using ORCA script where we used to call various SCC operation like SCC Connect, SCC Build, SCC Refresh and so on. It was working fine and SCC operation was working fine with PushOK. PuskOK was providing us PushOK SVNSCC dll (sccapi.dll) through which SCC operations were working beautifully with ORCA.
Now since we moved our project to PB2017 (Current version we are using is 2017 R2 Build 1769) with GIt as source control. Our application is successfully connect to Git repository and we are successfully able to perform Push/Pull/Refresh etc operation to send/receive changes to/from Git Repository.
The only challenge now we are facing is to Automate the Build using ORCA script. We found that SCC operation is not working with Git source Control and the reason I believe is Git does not provide any SVNSCC dll which can interact with repository using SCC operation. When we are trying to run the SCC command such as SCC get connect, SCC connect etc. It is not able to connect to repository and throwing the Error such as Return code -23 which is "An error occurred reading the Windows registry entry". I believe there is no such DLL exist what we used to have for PushOK to perform the SCC operation.
How we can make use of SCC operation with Git repository. I went through the Bruce Blog https://www.brucearmstrong.org/2017/05/configuring-powerbuilder-projects-to.html but that tells to connect using Github and not the Git. We are using Git. Please guide us how we can perform SCC operation online using Git repository in ORCA?
Any tutorial material is much appreciated. We are keen to know the solution as we have started making change in the PB2017 code.
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