Jan Chmelař
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 16 June 2023 06:54 AM UTC
Hello, everyone.
I am looking for a way to transfer large binary files (>100MB) both ways using a web service as a client in PB19R3. For example with the help of stream, see below the client code in C#. Is this a reasonable solution and how to rewrite it in PowerBuilder? Or is it better to use other methods? HttpCLient? RestClient? Right now it's written via OLE "xmlhttp.connecttonewobject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")".
Thank you for your answer or tips.
Code in C#:
using (FileStream fsSource = new FileStream(ulozitDokumentPozadavek.CestaKSouboru, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
var pozadavek = new Sluzba.Dms.Rozhrani.Funkce.UlozitDokumentStreamPozadavek();
pozadavek.KlicovaSlova = "Klíčová slova";
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(ulozitDokumentPozadavek.CestaKSouboru);
pozadavek.NazevSouboruSPriponou = fileInfo.FullName;
pozadavek.Stream = fsSource;
pozadavek.OsobaId = KlientSluzby.AktivniInstanceServeru.OsobaId;
pozadavek.Predmet = "Pokusný předmět";
pozadavek.SlozkaId = KlientSluzby.AktivniInstanceServeru.SlozkaId;
var odpoved = KlientSluzby.Sluzba.UlozitDokumentStream(pozadavek);
Test XML from SOAPUI:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/">
<tem:KlicovaSlova>Vesmir, Galaxie, Dalka</tem:KlicovaSlova>
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