Arnaud Bailly
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 24 April 2020 04:04 PM UTC
This question is a follow-up to a previous question I asked about build "system" for PB2019. I have been banging my head on the walls for 3 days trying to understand how on Earth orcascript is supposed to work and how I could make it do what I want.
Basically, I want to be able to build incrementally an application as fast as possible when a source file changes, so if I understood things correctly the process should be something like:
- refresh .pbl from (changed) source files
- rebuild changed .pbl files into .pbd file
- rebuild executable from changed .pbd files
This seems simple enough and I ended writing the following script (only a fragmetn of libraries are shown, there are actually 30 libraries used):
start session
set debug true
scc set connect property localprojpath ".\"
scc set connect property logfile "createpbls.log"
scc set connect property logappend true
scc set connect property deletetempfiles "false"
scc connect offline
scc set target "progsaf.pbt" "OutOfDate importonly"
scc exclude liblist ".\sysfunctions.pbd"
scc refresh target incremental
build library "administrateur_c.pbl" "" pbd
build library "auxiliaure_c.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ax_c.pbl" "" pbd
...moar libs
build executable "progsaf_c.exe" "" "" "nyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
end session
Except this does not work, and what's worse it does not tell me what failed. The last lines of the createpbls.log file are:
Successfully created library: c:\users\arnaud\saf\securite_c.pbl
Successfully created library: c:\users\arnaud\saf\traduction_c.pbl
Successfully created library: c:\users\arnaud\saf\webserviceax.pbl
Successfully created library: c:\users\arnaud\saf\wizard_c.pbl
Successfully created library: c:\users\arnaud\saf\wizard_pch_c.pbl
Successfully created library: c:\users\arnaud\saf\swap_api.pbl
c:\users\arnaud\saf\sysfunctions.pbd excluded.
PBORCA_SccRefreshTarget. Incremental Rebuild
What am I doing wrong? It seems to me it should be possible to do what I am trying to do using orcascript as hinted by the documentation here: https://docs.appeon.com/appeon_online_help/pb2019/pbug/apbs03.html
Am I missing something obvious?
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