Tom Mangano
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 20 September 2021 10:12 PM UTC
my window that was originally programmed in PB4 and converted to tabs when they became available (PB7 maybe) has grown over the last 20 + years
it has approx 50 tab page objects, some with tabs on the tabs, 100 + datawindows, more buttons and a more bad programming than i'd like to admit to.
i need a way to do 2 things.
first, loop through all of the controls on the dw, if it's a tabpage, get its name.
if it's a tabpage, get the names of the button objects on it.
i have a loop
for ll_lp = 1 to arg_window.Control[]
lwindow_object = arg_window.Control[xloop].TypeOF() <<< this tells me the type of object, how do i get it's name
ls_tab[ upperBound( ls_tab ) + 1 ] = ???? name of tab control
... more programming
Thanks for any help
Tom M
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