Danny Wong
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 16 February 2018 05:07 PM UTC
Using R2_1756 / Atlassian_BitBucket: Produces the messagebox "Compile failure: One or more PowerBuilder objects failed to compile in your local PBL(s) after getting the latest revision from the source control server. Press OK to accept the imported objects even with the compile failures. Press Cancel to roll back this entire SCC operation".
Messagebox is shown when "Importing dw_xyz" is displayed in output panel. After press OK, it says "Git revert success". The green checkmark disappears. In fact, dw_xyz has not reverted but retained the modifications. dw_xyz is now out-of-sync with the repo.
GIT does not tag dw_xyz with a green checkmark upon subsequent modifications.
I have the same setup as my co-worker and his is ok.
Any ideas?
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