paulo gomes
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 26 February 2018 04:52 PM UTC
Hi all,
I received the message "Failed to load asmpoc.dll because it is not a valid .Net Assembly" after the following steps using PB 2017 R2:
1. create a .Net Assembly target from an existing target
2. expose the methods in the Project Objects tab that pass/receive arguments that are .Net compatible data types
3. create the .msi file using the Project file; install the DLL and other files by running the msi generated
4. try to register the dll with windows registry using REGASM, and received the error message mentioned
Few questions:
1. how can the generated dll be used in a PB application?
1.1 do I need to registry with windows registry prior to call it from PB?
1.2 do I need to registry it with the GAC prior to call it from PB?
1.3 is it by default a COM visible?
2. does someone have an example generating a DLL in PB and calling it in PB? Remember, PB 2017 R2 does not have the PB .Net version anymore.
3. what is the point to have a .Net Assembly target in PB 2017 R2 if it generates a not a valid .Net Assembly (as the received message from REGASM) and cannot be registered or consumed?
I did not try to call this DLL using VS (C# or VB) but I don't thing that it is the direction I should go. Also this is a Proof of Concept and I have 1 DLL and 1 mothod to call but the real project has around 3,000,000 lines of code and close to 600 PBLs with hundreds of NVO to be exposed, which makes impossible to use anything else than the existing PB code. The existing code must be reused.
Any suggestions or ideas will be welcomed !
Thank you,
Paulo Gomes
Interval Leisure Group
Senior PB Team Member
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