Dan Harrel
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 15 April 2021 07:33 PM UTC
Can I insert data entry fields into a Rich Text document in a PB Rich Text control?
I understand PowerBuilder supports version 1.6 of the RTF standard, except for Formatted tables and Drawing objects. The RTF 1.6 standard seems to support such fields: http://latex2rtf.sourceforge.net/rtfspec_7.html#rtfspec_31 .
I cannot see how to insert such fields when using a PB Rich Text control. There are no ribbon bar options for fields, or right-mouse button options.
I next thought to create a Rich Text document with such fields outside of the PB control, and then trying right-mouse-click "Insert File..." to the document into a PB Rich Text control. I wanted to see how the control would handle it. I just cannot seem to find a tool that will let me create a RTF file with such fields (MS Word saving as RTF did not work, for example).
Here is what I'm trying to do: I would like a user of our application to be able to create a task list document to populate into a PB Rich Text control that includes checkboxes and data entry fields. Users would use the checkboxes to mark off steps they had taken. Users would enter values such as measurements into data entry fields. The document, with fields and values, would be saved by our application.
I need the Rich Text data, complete with fields and field values, visible in PB and in a web app. I was thinking the built-in TX control in PB would meet the need on the PB end, and a licensed "TX Control .NET Server" (or similar) would meet the need for the web app. However I can't yet do what I want on the PB end.
Does anyone have any experience, feedback, or alternate suggestions?
P.S. May I suggest creating a tag for Rich Text?
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