Erwin Anema
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 17 August 2021 09:56 AM UTC
When periodically looking for reported issues that may be of importance, it seems like I miss good filtering or sorting options. The workflow would be that every x weeks you'd look at the bug-list and be able to sort the list to see what's new. This could for example be a "date opened" field that you can sort on or a bug-id if that is always ascending.
This would allow me to find new issues that might apply to my application that I need to verify, mitigate or may cause me to install a hotfix or do an upgrade.
The list with bug fixes doesn't allow me to sort on bug id (and it also doesn't seem to be always ascending so it may not be an option anyway), and there is no "date open" kind of field (that can be sorted on).
The standard support page, also doesn't seem to have such features.
Is there another way this could be accomplished?
If not, I would suggest that an improvement of the usability of the bug list might be useful.
thanks in advance,
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