David Ross
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 22 October 2021 12:37 PM UTC
Dev environment: PB2019 R3, v2670.
I am having issues with zipping and unzipping files with both the compressor and extractor objects. The code runs successfully on my dev machine, but when I deploy to our test box, the unzipped files are not showing up in the destination folder. When I zip files; same result. The code I'm' running is:
CompressorObject lnv_compress
Integer li_return
string ls_source, ls_target
ls_source = ItemList
ls_target = s_ZipFileName
lnv_compress = create CompressorObject
li_return = lnv_compress.Compress(ls_source,ls_target, ArchiveFormatZIP!)
if li_return <> 1 then
messagebox("Zip Error", "Error exporting JFRG Plan. Error Code: " + string(li_Return))
messagebox("Zip Success", "No Error")
end if
//Check to see if the zip file alread exists...if it does, delete it.
lb_exist = FileExists(Left(s_zipfilename, li_SourceLen - 4) + '.zip')
if lb_exist then
FileDelete(Left(s_zipfilename, li_SourceLen - 4) + '.zip')
end if
//Copy the file and change the extension; the extract object does not work with PEX file extension
li_FileNum = FileCopy (ls_source , Left(s_zipfilename, li_SourceLen - 4) + '.zip', FALSE)
ls_target = s_destpath
ls_source = Left(s_zipfilename, li_SourceLen - 4) + '.zip'
//Extract the files from the source zip to the exchange folder
li_return = lnv_extractor.extract (ls_source, ls_target)
if li_return <> 1 then
messagebox("Zip Error", "Error exporting JFRG Plan. Error Code: " + string(li_Return))
messagebox("Zip Success", "No Error")
end if
Stepping through the code, all variables are correct with no nulls or empty strings.
I downloaded Bruce Armstrong's sample code, ran that simple app, and the results are the same. The functions for both zip and unzip return 1, so I can't capture any error codes. The test box I'm using is using an emulated image of a typical Marine Corps IS image. We tweaked the Group Policy objects, but that didn't help.
Has anyone else experienced this issue?
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