Lloyd McBean
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 22 November 2023 01:46 AM UTC
I have a datawindow which works perfect until I add a nested dw into this to generate details of line-charges. I am using the latest PB 2022 R2 Build 2828 and nothing I try will get this to stop generating an extra page.
I am out of options.
I have another nested DW in the report, and it prints ok, its in a group header, but when I add a nested DW in the detail band it consistently generates an extra page even if its a single page report.
I have tried the following:
1. setting all items in the band to auto-height including the band itself, and numerous other things note in previus posts but nothing stops this behaviour.
2. THIS.Modify ( 'datawindow.PushCutControlToNextPage=yes' ) In the RetrieveStart event of your DW Control
3. Setting all magrins in both master and child DW to 0
Any help to get rid of this behaviour would be greatly appreciated.
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