Error splitting PBD file
- Issue
Pierre Couvreur
- PowerServer
- Tuesday, 9 November 2021 03:40 PM UTC
I'm trying to convert a PB2019 C/S application to PowerServer 2021. That application was created years ago in PB7. During deployment, while splitting a PBD file, I get the message :
"Failed to split the PBD file because the PBR file contains a resource file in the full path "d:\eforpb\martelage.pbl". Please use relative paths in the application directory for resource files."
The trick is that there is no PBR file for that PBD/PBL. However, when I open the PBL with a text editor, I can see a reference to the path : J 0 d : \ e f o r p b \ m a r t e l a g e . p b l ENT*0 6 0 0
It must be something very old left in that PBL... I would like to get rid of that reference but I don't know how. An optimize doesn't fix it.
Any idea (preferably other than exporting every object to a new PBL) ?
Thank you !
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