Yasir Masood
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 2 July 2019 12:56 AM UTC
We are trying to us an in house Web Service in our PB application. The WS works in PB IDE, but when we installed
it on our Citrix and TS-Plus environment, i am getting the following error,
"Unresolvable external httpclient when linking reference at line....."
I am using PB 2017 R3 with SQL Server 2008. Here is the code that I have,
string ls_url
string ls_pic_id
httpclient http
integer li_rc
Blob lblb_photo, lblb_NextData
ls_url = 'https://companyname-staging.azurewebsites.net/api/file/v1/FileDownload/Public/'
ls_pic_id = this.GetItemString(row,"pic_id")
ls_url = ls_url + ls_pic_id
http = create httpclient
li_rc = http.ClearRequestHeaders ( )
http.AutoReadData = false
li_rc = http.setrequestheader('X-API_KEY','266E5EE3-E447')
li_rc = http.sendrequest( 'GET', ls_url)
//string ls_text
//long ll_code
//ls_text = http.getresponsestatustext()
//ll_code = http.GetResponseStatusCode()
if li_rc = 1 and http.GetResponseStatusCode() = 200 then
do while true
li_rc = http.ReadData(lblb_NextData, 1024*16)
if li_rc = 0 then exit // Finish receiving data
if li_rc = -1 then exit // Error occurred
lblb_photo += lblb_NextData
MessageBox('Error','Unable to view th picture at this time.')
end if
I would appreciate your help.
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