- How-to
yakov werde
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 26 August 2019 01:40 PM UTC
Hello fellow legacy modernization travelers
Is it possible to do dynamic OleCustomControls ?
When an ActiveX is placed on a visual container in the painter, the control is declared in the source code and the painter glues in some binary hidden stuff that is only visible in exported source. This binary stuff is the magic sauce that makes it all happen.
Start of PowerBuilder Binary Data Section : Do NOT Edit
End of PowerBuilder Binary Data Section : No Source Expected After This Point
I need runtime access to the registry stuff in order to pair the release specific COM ActiveX control to the PowerBuilder application release version
At run time (EXE) we do this with side by side COM. BUT it is not possible to use 'side by side' COM components because PB.EXE is the running program and it has an internal manifest.
I was thinking to use variable registry entries - I.e deploy COM components to release specific local folders. one registry entry per component/release. This can work for non-visual stuff when I can specify the COM lookup class name. But not for visual COM controls with it's all glued in by painter
Does someone have an example (or is it even possible) to do dynamic olecustomcontrol
Yakov Werde
Sr Dev. OpenLink Financial, Agtech division
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