Resolved DW2XLS dll
- Issue
Clarence Chamorro
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 2 January 2018 07:20 PM UTC
I understand that this is not a community to help other products(third party products), but maybe somebody can give me a direction. I purchase the new realease DW2XLS object (The one that works with Appeon PB2017). They give me two dll (PB2XLS.dll & PB2XLS_64.dll and a PBL & they reside where my EXE is).
My issue is the fallowing: If I am in PB2017 development tool IDE and I execute the application it work perfect; but if I deploy the application and I run it via the EXE then it give me the following error:
A System Error:
Error Number 14.
Error Text= Error Opening DLL library pb2xls.dll for external function at line 20 in Function of_create of object n_dwr_workbook..
Window/menu/Object = n-dwr_workbook
Error Object/Control = n_dwr_workbook
Script = of_create
Line In Script = 20.
I did send an email to their tech support. The only thing they told me is to make sure I have the two dll where the EXE is located. I do have the two DLL where the EXE is located.
If it is working OK thru the PB2017 development tool IDE maybe I have to declare the DLL in a pbr, or I have to do a external declaration of the dll functions.
Any body with experience with DW2XLS could give give me a direction or action to take, Please?
Clarence A Chamorro.
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