Clarence Chamorro
- PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
- Friday, 26 October 2018 02:05 PM UTC
Hey guys me again. Thank you for all your help. Here another inexperience question.
I'm trying to do Brake lines in a MessageBox() Like we do it in PB with ~r.
But it seams it is not recognize as a break line or it does other action that I do no see.
The two characters together are not shown in the actual message box.
Do I need to use something else to do breack lines in the Messagebox() or Am I using it wrong?
this is the actual code:
//cch check if they Selected a Project
If IsNull(dw_header.object.bid_project_code[1]) Then
If gstr_gen.lenguage = 'S' Then
MESSAGEBOX('Advertencia No Project...','Por Favor Seleccione ~r Projecto y Trate de Nuevo.',StopSign!,OK!)
MESSAGEBOX('No Project Waring...','Please Select Project.~r And Try Again',StopSign!,OK!)
End If
End If
If you can direct me to a example or documentation will be appreciated.
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